Equal Opportunity Game - more guesses? ...the distribution of rich and poor?
The game is not a real game, you can not win anything here. You can go straight here to see all the comments and add your solution http://equal-opportunity-game.blogspot.com/2006/02/equal-opportunity-game_01.html
(The original page of this blog has somehow been lost. This is a new copy of a blog set up a month ago. The original posting has got three comments. One person disagreed strongly with the suggestion of the final distribution below. That comment suggested that there will be few "rich" and many "poor", describing also why. That has been lost, but fortunately I found the posting in my mail. It is added as a comment (No.2.) by me now)
.... each pair puts all their money together and divide them in any equal opportunity way, for example by using dice, playing cards,.....
What will be the distribution of rich and poor?
Please note: those who lose everything are not out of the game: in the next negotiation such person can regain a lot. The number of players does not change. One thousand start, one thousand are counted at the end.
Please, leave your guess in the COMMENTS here (click on COMMENTS) or send a mail to ladreview@gmail.com. Thanks!
Please, indicate your country and leave some indication of your background (science, culture, business, whatever)
The text below has been recovered from Google Cache. Please be patient with our layout. I will try to improve it!
(The original page of this blog has somehow been lost. This is a new copy of a blog set up a month ago. The original posting has got three comments. One person disagreed strongly with the suggestion of the final distribution below. That comment suggested that there will be few "rich" and many "poor", describing also why. That has been lost, but fortunately I found the posting in my mail. It is added as a comment (No.2.) by me now)
.... each pair puts all their money together and divide them in any equal opportunity way, for example by using dice, playing cards,.....
What will be the distribution of rich and poor?
Please note: those who lose everything are not out of the game: in the next negotiation such person can regain a lot. The number of players does not change. One thousand start, one thousand are counted at the end.
Please, leave your guess in the COMMENTS here (click on COMMENTS) or send a mail to ladreview@gmail.com. Thanks!
Please, indicate your country and leave some indication of your background (science, culture, business, whatever)
The text below has been recovered from Google Cache. Please be patient with our layout. I will try to improve it!
An answer came to ladreview@gmail.com
from Simone:
In your game, I also would expect a Gaussian distribution as long as people meet randomly. I reality, I would expect that people that accidently gained some money start to hang out with people that also have a lot of money in order to minimise losses. Those who feel to have most money will probably hide somewhere, so they do not have to participate in the game anymore. Those who feel poor might start a revolution than, which will result in some redistribution of money, and than everything can start again...
Simone (biologist ..., German)
Here is the first ever online answer.
I managed to find it in my mail.
I expect the average mount of the whole will migrate to a greater average amount for a smaller sample. Those that have none, drop from the sample because they are not balanced by those that have it all. The trend over time is for average amount of increasing WEALTH to to be shared by an increasingly smaller group. This is life.
Posted by Anonymous to Equal Opportunity Game at 1/05/2006 01:37:20 PM
Another answer came from Anna, particle physicist. Her idea came from seeing a similarity with clustering in galaxies in early Universe astrophysics, or perhaps cosmology. She just thinks that in any such distributions there will be some clusters, it means a bunch of rather rich gamers with many coins left and another group who would have not so many coins.
I hope I have recorded this well enough.
Anonymous said... (at the main text comments)
Hei Ladi, I am junbai, I think the answer of your game may is a multinormal distribution. But when the rounds of your game goes to infinitive then it closes to gaussian distribution.
9:00 PM
well.. i dont think the bar chart reflects the nearest case that might happen coz maybe some little ppl will get rich and the other will get poor and no one will stay in between !!
franko (united kingdom)
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The last comment is sort of interesting. It is a promoting link for some service, i.e. close to SPAM, but it also contains a sort of legitimate "answer".
So we allow it to stay here.
But note the method!
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